Reexaminarea studentilor internationali la disciplinile Biologie moleculara, Genetica umana
Reexamination of the international students on Molecular biology, Human genetics

14.05.2013, 15.00

Sunt admisi doar studentii cu Fisa eliberata din Decanat.
Are admitted only the students with permission (Fisa) issued by the Dean office

Category: Examen BM 2013 | Views: 1015 | Added by: bimogeum | Date: 17.04.2013

Accesati link-ul de mai jos pentru a vizualiza rezultatele examenului repetat la Biologia moleculara a studentilor autohtoni din 05.04.2013

Category: Examen BM 2013 | Views: 799 | Added by: bimogeum | Date: 08.04.2013

Accesati link-urile de mai jos pentru a vizualiza rezultatele reexaminarii studentilor internationali din 22.03.2013, la disciplinele Biologia moleculara si Genetica umana

Carnetele de note vor fi disponibile incepind cu luni, 1.04.2013. 
Category: Examen BM 2013 | Views: 666 | Added by: bimogeum | Date: 29.03.2013

Accesati link-urile de mai jos pentru a vizualiza rezultatele reexaminarii 2 la Biologia moleculara din 11, 12.03.2013

Category: Examen BM 2013 | Views: 730 | Added by: bimogeum | Date: 14.03.2013

Reexaminarea Nr. 2

Grupele cu limbile de instruire Rom / Rus – 12.03.2013, ora 1500

Sunt admişi doar studenţii fără restanţe academice


Reexamination No. 2

Groups with English medium of training – 11.03.2013, 1500

Are admitted to reexamination only students who have no academic debts 

Category: Examen BM 2013 | Views: 804 | Added by: bimogeum | Date: 01.03.2013

Please access the links for checking results of the Reexamination No.1, 27.02.2013.

Category: Examen BM 2013 | Views: 736 | Added by: bimogeum | Date: 01.03.2013

Please access the links for checking results of the Reexamination No.1, 18.02.2013.

Mark-books (carnet) could be received next week. 
Category: Examen BM 2013 | Views: 682 | Added by: bimogeum | Date: 22.02.2013

Accesati link-urile de mai jos pentru a vizualiza rezultatele reexaminarii 1 din 15.02 si 20.02.2013

Category: Examen BM 2013 | Views: 725 | Added by: bimogeum | Date: 21.02.2013

Reexamination 1 in Molecular biology
Medium of Training - English. faculties Medicine 2, Stomatology.

18.02.2013 - Groups 1136-1142, 3111-3114; at 15.00, at the Department
27.02.2013 - Groups 1143-1149, at 15.00, at the Department

Are admitted to reexamination only students who have no academic debts (no absences, no un-recovered concluding tests).
Category: Examen BM 2013 | Views: 695 | Added by: bimogeum | Date: 11.02.2013

Reexaminarea studenţilor la disciplina Biologia moleculară. 
Limba de instruire RomânăRusă. Facultăţile Medicină 1, Sănătate publică, Stomatologie.

15.02.2013 - ora 15.00, la Catedră
20.02.2013 - ora 15.00, La Catedră.

Sunt admise la examen doar persoanele fără restanţe academice (absenţe, totalizări nerecuperate)
Category: Examen BM 2013 | Views: 777 | Added by: bimogeum | Date: 11.02.2013

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